The AM 5200-Farm is based on the design of the market leading AM 5200-A. USDA Certified as UGAL4 compatible and NTEP approved meter, the AM 5200-Farm uses the same technology and same calibrations as the official meters. Producers can now be assured of accurate on-farm grain moisture measurements. Protect your grain when storing by reducing risk for mold and toxin growth by knowing the real, accurate moisture content. Optimize grain drying by monitoring moisture values in essentially real-time on hot grain. Allows you to hit the optimum moisture value without the time and expense of over-drying.
- Test hot grain from the dryer— NO waiting for grain to cool - minimize temperature errors and risk
- Fast & accurate — Moisture, test weight, & temperature in 25 seconds
- Simple operation — Pour and GO
- Robust — It's a solid 40 lbs. for a reason.
- Rapid payback - Stop over drying, Save dryer costs, and match the moisture at the local elevator.
- Test frozen Stored grain — Up to 18% moisture.
- Data Storage - Test results, date, tune, and your farm or field Ids are easily stored and exported.
- USB connectivity - Connect and supply results, farm, field info etc. to farm management software.