Portable Axle Load Scales - PALS & MATRIX SD

Fairbanks offers a convenient, cost-effective option for commercial or non-commercial vehicle weighing with its popular Portable Axle Load Scale. The PALS arrives from our factory pre-calibrated and ready to place into service as a single, non-commercial, axle weighing device. Fairbanks offers numerous options and accessories to complete your axle weighing system, such as ramps, indicators, traffic lights, remote displays, and more.

If legal-for-trade gross weights are desired, multiple PALS modules can be configured into a full-length NTEP approved Matrix Truck Scale. The Matrix can accomodate most highway vehicles by conjoining two or more PALS modules with Fairbanks precast, steel-framed concrete deadspans - creating the ideal scale design for the type of trucks that frequent your opertion.

• Available in two capacities: 45 ton standard duty (SD) and 60 ton extreme duty (SDX).
• Scale modules are 10 feet wide and come in standard lengths of 7, 10, 14, 17 and 20 feet.  
• In most cases, a flat, unyielding surface, such as asphalt or concrete, is all that’s required for installation.
• Can be configured to weigh most highway vehicles.
• Single day installation; easy to move or relocate.
• Available with analog or digital (Intalogix) load cell communications.
• Ultra low 6" profile.
• NTEP gross weight approval only applicable to multiple PALS in a Matrix configuration.
• Typically requires less real estate than full-length scale.
• Check with local Weights & Measures officials to ensure acceptance of Matrix Scale System.

All 45 ton capacity (SD) models below are available with 60 ton, extreme duty (SDX) capacity.

PALS SD Series Analog 7' x 10' - 45 ton capacity

PALS SD Series Intalogix 14' x 10' - 45 ton capacity

PALS SD Series Analog 17' x 10' - 45 ton capacity

PALS SD Series Intalogix 10' x 10' - 45 ton capacity

PALS SD Series Intalogix 7' x 10' - 45 ton capacity

PALS SD Series Analog 20' x 10' - 45 ton capacity

PALS SD Series Analog 14' x 10' - 45 ton capacity

PALS SD Series Analog 10' x 10' - 45 ton capacity

PALS SD Series Intalogix 20' x 10' - 45 ton capacity

PALS SD Series Intalogix 17' x 10' - 45 ton capacity